14 Month Chicken Industry Investigation
January 2004 - March 2005 Victoria, Australia

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Rescue Reports

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Rescue 05: Parkhurst Farm (Shed 1): 4 birds removed; followed by depopulation of shed at 4:00 am
april 2, 2004

Two rescue team members entered Shed 1 at 2:19 am. The lights were on inside the shed and the feeders were raised high above the floor (a sign there would be depopulation that night). The shed obviously had already been partially depopulated as the floor was littered with feathers and the large birds were scattered around a more opened floor area. One bird was found bleeding from her vent area; two others had splayed legs and couldn’t walk.

Two dead birds were photographed outside the shed lying on the ground near a door. Approximately an hour later a man entered the shed with a dog. The two rescue team members filmed this from the roof of the shed. The man and dog herded the birds towards the center and far end of the shed moving them along with the metal mesh barriers.

In the footage one can see a bird that could not walk being picked up by the man and carried to the center area and deposited on the floor. It is clear from the footage this bird was not able to walk, as it remains in the spot as other birds move about. This is a violation of the Code of Practice for the Land Transport of Poultry (AG0888) see below:

Section 4. Pre-transport preparation

4.1 Selecting poultry for travel

4.1.1 The owner or agent must ensure that only fit and healthy birds are selected for travel. Sick, injured or weak birds must be rejected. The person in charge of the flock is responsible for assisting in the selection process, and must remove birds that are unfit for transport prior to the arrival of transportation. A few minutes later this same man and the dog are seen chasing other birds who were not going in his intended direction. There are rough noises on the video as the man runs out of frame and then when he is visible again he is carrying a couple birds, one of these birds he whacks solidly against the metal barrier, then opens a side door nearby and tosses this bird (body?) outside.

This is also a violation to the Code of Practice for the Land Transport of Poultry:

4.1.2 Humane and effective arrangements should be made by the owner or agent for the handling and care of any birds rejected as unsuitable for loading.

No other birds in the shed are seen removed by this man prior to depopulation, which commenced at 4:00 am.

vet report: "unable to stand.. leg weakness and collapse due to excessive weight. euthanized on humane grounds".
photo: jason pell / ALV

more photos: photo gallery

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