KFC Cruelty Campaign - Geelong Australia

[melbourne 2003 / 2004 / 2005] [sydney] [brisbane] [canberra] [ballarat] [adelaide] [geelong] [kuala lumpur] [bangkok] [ho chi minh city]

Animal Liberation Victoria members from Geelong have been conducting weekly demonstrations outside the Geelong KFC. The activists have attached a KFC Cruelty sign to a tripod outside the KFC entrance which informs any potential customers about the hidden cost of a KFC meal - lives of unimaginable suffering for millions upon millions of baby birds.

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Activists Crying Foul
By Rebecca Tucker

Article published in the Geelong Advertiser - Monday, January 5, 2004

ANIMAL liberationists took over the footpath outside KFC in the city on Saturday to warn customers they were eating chickens which had been subjected to cruelty before being killed.

About 10 activists stood on the corner of Ryrie and Moorabool streets holding placards and shouting into a loudspeaker to get their message across.

The activists, from Geelong Animal Advocates, Ballarat Organisation for Animal Rights and Melbourne-based Animal Liberation Victoria, claimed KFC chickens were intensively farmed and drugged to make them grow bigger.

"Nobody kills chicken like KFC,'' was the slogan plastered across one large poster at the protest.

Geelong Animal Advocates spokeswoman Kimberley Oxley said many of the chickens used in KFC meals were killed at six weeks of age.

``That's just a baby chicken,'' Ms Oxley said. ``Many die as a result of their rapid and highly unnatural growth rates.''

KFC management did not want to comment on Saturday.

The activists passed out leaflets displaying The Colonel cutting a blood-splattered chicken with a knife.

It read: ``The Colonel's secret recipe includes live scalding, painful debeaking, crippled chickens''.

But one customer, Kristi Muraca, was upset at being filmed by the activists.

``I think it's an invasion of privacy, I should be able to eat my lunch with my friend and my children,'' she said.

She said the picture on the leaflet would be distressing for her four-year-old daughter, who was with her, to see.

Ms Oxley and campaigner Jason Pell have spent each Saturday for the past three months demonstrating at KFC's front door.

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